Wireless Mobile Networks

1st year
Programme main editor:
Onsite in:
ECTS range:
3-6 ECTS


Rosario Garroppo
Francesco De Pellegrini


General knowledge of telecommunications networks and Internet networking, Basic principles of wireless communications. Basic programming skills in Java appreciated for the Lab.

Pedagogical objectives:

The primary objective is to acquire essential skills for developing applications and services leveraging mobile cellular networks.

In addition, complementary skills in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN; IEEE 802.11 family), softwarization and virtualization of mobile access networks, wireless mesh/ad-hoc networks, and advanced wireless communication technologies could be taught.

Evaluation modalities:

Final oral or written exam. Possible continuous reporting, mid-term exams and assignments.


The core part of the module is about the evolution from 2G to 4G systems, The 3GPP standardization program, LTE system architecture, mobility management and QoS issues, LTE Security architecture, Introduction to the 5G New Radio interface, the 5G Core Network, 5G Security enhancement.  In addition, a subset of the complementary content topics is done at different sites.

Complementary content:

  • WLAN Networks: The 802.11 family, the Wi-Fi certification programs, The evolution of Wi-Fi networks, WiFi security services, WiFi architecture and performance issues.
  • Laboratory on WLAN and Mobile Networks: Traffic analysis of WLAN networks with protocol analyser, Examples of WLAN attacks, Protocol stack and procedures of an experimental LTE network based on open-source software.
  • Multiple access protocols (Aloha, TDMA, CSMA/CA, Bianchi’s model).
  • Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) architectures,  Radio Level WLAN interworking,     Machine Type Communication (MTC), Device-to-device communication (D2D),    Examples of IoT in real scenarios.
  • Wireless Mesh Networks: Architecture, performance issues, routing metrics, routing protocols.
  • Software Defined Networking SDN: principles of SDN technology, traffic forwarding in traditional and SDN networks, topology discovery in SDN networks, OpenFlow switch abstraction, OpenFlow protocol, emulation of an OpenFlow-based network, architecture of an optical network, control plane of an optical network, Netconf protocol, software architecture of the ONOS SDN controller, services of the ONOS SDN controller, development of networking applications, emulation of an optical network, using ONOS for controlling an emulated optical network. Network Function Virtualization: basic principles of Kubernetes.
  • Cognitive Radios and Cognitive Network Architectures, Cognitive Cycle, Spectrum Sensing, Decision, Sharing, Mobility; Routing Algorithms, Transport Layer and Cross Layer Solutions; White Space Devices, and WS DataBase
  • Cooperative Communications. Networking protocols. Cooperative strategies and rates.    Network coding. Cooperative PHY and MAC.

Required teaching material

[suggested books] E. Perahia and R. Stacey, Next Generation Wireless LANs, Throughput, Robustness, and Reliability in 802.11n, Cambridge University Press, 2008 Penttinen, Jyrki T. J., 5G explained: security and deployment of advanced mobile communications, ed. Wiley, 2019 Patricia A. Morreale, James M. Anderson, Software Defined Networking: Design and Deployment, Ed. Taylor and Francis Inc. 2014 Holma, Harri; Toskala, Antti. LTE for UMTS : evolution to LTE-Advanced. 2nd ed. Chichester, UK: John Wiley, cop. 2011. ISBN 9780470660003. Dargie, Waltenegus; Poellabauer, Christian. Fundamentals of wireless sensor networks [suggested devices] Personal computer with 16 GB of RAM for the Lab.

Teaching volume:
27-39 hours
Supervised lab:
0-25 hours


  • Laboratory-Based Course Structure
  • Open-Source Software Requirements