Network Security
Linux, Python, network protocols, virtual machines; use of virtual machines on Linux environment for carrying out practical work related to security.
Pedagogical objectives:
The objective of this course is to address different security themes: authentication and access control, as well as cryptography, virtual private networks and the exploitation of network and software vulnerabilities.
Evaluation modalities:
Mid-term and/or final exams and/or assignment/lab reports.
The course introduces different aspects of system and network security.
The course focuses on Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA) architectures and primitives: challenge/response, nonces, mutual authentication schemes, perfect forward secrecy, timestamps. TCP-based authentication protocols, and sequence number prediction.
In addition, a subset of the following complementary topics is covered:
- Basics on cryptography and integrity. hash functions, public/private keys, shift encryption, secret key cryptography, public key cryptography, public key certificate, Diffie–Hellman key exchange.
- Securing virtual environments, programming in Python language and use of Linux Operating System. Managing access rights to a system and defining firewall rules. Virtual private networks.
- Usage of application’s vulnerabilities to remotely break into a system, reproducing the man-in-the-middle attack using flaws in the ARP protocol and attacking the DHCP service.
- Intrusion detection systems.
- Operating systems security.
- AI methods to secure networks (e.g. intrusion detection and prevention systems, traffic classification and filtering for DDoS, …)? Methods (for example from the field of anomaly detection, e.g. isolation forests)
- Attacks on AI systems (e.g. adversarial examples, malicious patches, prompt injection in LLMs, …)
- Usage of AI systems for attacks? (Coding of malware using AI, use of LLMs to generate phishing emails, …)
personal laptop
- Laboratory-Based Course Structure
- Open-Source Software Requirements